Learn the G Blues Scale on Saxophone. Step-by-step guide with visuals and sheet music by Saxophone Teacher Greger Hillman.

G Blues Scale on Saxophone

The G Blues Scale on Saxophone has 6 notes. However, when practicing the Blues Scale it's more common and practical to start on the root and end on the octave making it a total of 7 notes.

That helps bring home the “Blues Scale sound” which is useful. Especially if you are a saxophone beginner and want to understand the Saxophone Scales beyond just pressing keys on your saxophone.

Play G blues Scale on Saxophone

The G Blues Scale can be played in one octave within the normal register on your saxophone. However, if you have a saxophone with the high G key or if you are familiar with altissimo G on saxophone, you can play the G Blues Scale in two octaves.

Facts of the G Blues Scale on Saxophone

Looking at the image above you can se the G Blues Scale notation for Saxophone. Starting on the root and ending on the octave.

The intervals of the G Blues Scale are:

  • Root › Minor third › Whole Step › Half Step › Half Step › Minor Third › Whole Step

That translates into these notes: G › B♭ › C › C♯ › D › F › G

Bonus insights: You can use 3 different fingerings for the B♭ note on Saxophone. For speed and accuracy I recommend that you use the Bis fingering as it makes it easy and fast to move below and above the B♭ within the G Blues Scale.

Practice the G Blues Scale on Saxophone

You should make a habit of practicing your scales in different tempos, using different tonguings. This helps you develop both tone control and precision. Here are three ways to implement this right now:

  • Exercise 1: Separate each note in the scale by tonguing
  • Exercise 2: Separate every other note in the scale by tonguing
  • Exercise 3: Play every slurred in the scale, without tonguing